Сharity shop in Kamianets-Podilskyi

The charity shop is another important initiative of the Kamyanchanin Charitable Foundation. As practice has shown, this shop is very popular place. Its principle is quite simple: caring people bring stuff to the shop, and those who are in need can take it for free. We are sincerely grateful to all the people who bring help.

Our hearts are warmed by the fact that our community has many wonderful, sincere, indifferent people. Thanks to the people of Kamianets-Podilskyi, many needy families constantly take necessary stuff as toys, cots or strollers for their families. Also, Kamyanchanin Charitable Foundation is always ready to help boarding schools and any other institution that asks for help. Let's unite for charity!

Проект які потребують допомоги

DomivkaUA — Telegram chatbot for refugees

DomivkaUA — Telegram chatbot for refugees

13 квітня 2022 року о 14:57

We have created Telegram chatbot , where we coordinate the evacuation of civilians from hotspots, help to find shelter and receive humanitarian aid. Thanks to the developed base of contacts, we provide prompt information assistance and share contacts of people who will help you get out of the combat zone and be safe.


Зробити пожертву

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Мельник Микола Миколайович